Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Do Declare...

...That independence can be taken to an extreme so wide that it isn't ideal anymore. There seems to be a basic idea that pervades society saying that if one is to report objectively the news, one must cut all ties associating oneself with any group. Such associations taint objectivity, causing the public to distrust their news source. While the first statement is, of course, an exaggeration, I believe it accurately describes my point. Everyone leads a double life, to some extent. We have our work life and our home life. The two lives cross often but they are NOT one and the same. We, as people, have our own beliefs and ideals. The trick is to keep those beliefs and ideals separate from our writing.

I'm keeping this post short and sweet but the point is, while we have a duty to report the truth, we are still human. Allow us our likes and dislikes. If we are good at our job, we will keep our bias out of our reporting, but don't burn us at the stake if they creep up every now and again.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. I also believe that we, in actuality, lead a double life. If a person is working, they lead that double life, especially as a journalist. I wish it was easier to keep our own beliefs and idea out of our writing, no matter what form that writing is in, but like you said, its bound to creep up once in awhile. We are only human after all.
