Thursday, September 30, 2010

Journalistic Transformation!

Isn't it interesting to see the transformations in societies surrounding a good idea? There is evidence of many press networks around the world turning toward the liberal model of journalism. In our discussion in class, the United States was listed as a pretty good example of the liberal model. It's just another reason why everyone wants to be an American I guess. My question to the blogosphere then is why is America trying so hard to go more political? Why have seemed to have lost our trust in the public's ability to reason for themselves with just the facts? Since when did journalism become an art form instead of a service?

I should probably clarify that last question. When I think of an art form, I think of a form of expression. A way to get out frustrations or joy, depending on the situation, and sharing that with others. When I think of a service, I think of an act the aides those affected in some way or another. Journalism should be a service, presenting the facts as fact. As a public, we don't need to be persuaded to think one way or another. Our brains will do enough of that for us. What we need are the facts, statistics, and basic information that allow us to come up with a plan of action on our own. Journalists get the conversation started by telling the public what to think about, not what to think.

There are many who have come to expect the newspaper to "keep an eye on" government. In fact, some might even have the misconception that watching the government is all the newspaper should really worry about. (This article is a perfect example) Not to discredit anyone's opinion, I personally feel that our government is not our only priority. It is said that "by their fruits, ye shall know them." If all we're hearing about is the actions with government's name written on them, how will we be able to identify the consequences of government on our own? Do we want the press to spoon-feed us our information or should we be a little more tenacious in our information gathering?

Maybe I'm just an idealist. Maybe what I rant and rave about can't actually happen. So prove it! Come on readers. Tell me what you think about this. I want to talk to you about it, so let's talk.


  1. The main problem is that the media have become big businesses, just like oil. There are only a few companies that own the majority of the various media outlets. For example, Disney owns Disney, Pixar, Radio Disney, ABC, CNN, ESPN, and a few other less-known companies as well as their theme parks stationed around the world. So what do we hear on these stations and in their areas of influence? The point of view Disney Corp. wants us to hear. Now, I'm a huge fan of Disney, but I think it's ridiculous how much pull they have in our society. You can see it just by watching Regis & Kelly. Every time there is a new Disney picture coming out, there will be a special on Regis & Kelly, and it will be mentioned in other programs running on their stations.

    There are giants in the media. These giants are the ones we trust to give us our information, but their information is obviously biased. The government doesn't have a problem with this, so it tells us only to listen to the main stations. Those not in the mainstream media are portrayed as untrustworthy means of getting information.

    So really, the problem is there aren't as many media points of view out there. They have to boost their viewership, so they do whatever they think is going to help that. If we open the media back up, which has happened a little with blogging, we will see more ideas and more information. All information is biased, but if we have many different points of view, people can decide what to believe on their own.

  2. That is a good point. I wonder what our country would do if the media actually made an announcement saying who's bias they are going follow? Would that make us, as a public, trust them any more? Or would that just make their viewer/readership go down and be the ruin of their business?
